Thursday, February 20, 2014

Marie's Buying and Selling Moments


^Putting these words together offers one helluva ride. No, seriously! The moment I learned how to buy online, my wallet cried rivers and seas. The possibilities are endless - shoes, bags, food, make up, accessories, services, BOOKS. Oh, yeah. BOOKS. The bliss of possessing that "something" you've been looking for (at a considerable lower price) is always there. And what's more, online shopping is convenient - browse online, pay for your items and shipping fee (via many modes) and it is delivered right on your doorstep! Simple, easy, convenient. And requires a lot of money. For this post, I'd like to share my thoughts, insights, experiences, etc. regarding Online Shopping.


Buying requires a lot of money. Which is sad because, for a student like me, I have very limited resources (which I budget in order for me to survive while I'm away from the comfortable nest I call home, where food is abundant *feels*cries #iwannagohome).  But then again, just think of that book you've been dying to read and then all of the sudden, you see an online shop selling it for a cheaper price! Think of that sweet pair of heels you're willing to kill for. OMG! Is that a new trend? Yes, my friend. Temptation everywhere. I know, I know. It has a heaven-hell feel. 

The thing about buying online is that, as I've said, it's convenient. In one click, I am able to search what I am looking for without the effort and hassle. Of course there are moments when I'd like to, for example, go book hunting but, you know us people, we're lazy at times. And online shops are just the thing! Click here and there, and we're done.


And then, of course, after a while of buying stuffs, you'll have this thinking, "What if I sell my things?"

So, you're a seller now.
Yeah, this happened to me.
Because of so many books, and since I was not alone (my friends also face this situation), we started a book shop. 

"So, once upon a time, a group of friends wanted to establish a book shop-coffee shop, the typical dream of bookworms. But reality was harsh and demanding, so the dream was set aside.
We're a group of friends who love books. We buy books, we read books, we store books = a lot of books. And our shelves are begging for mercy so we've decided to sell some of our loved books. Proceeds will, of course, go to our own pockets but a portion will be allocated for our dream book/coffee shop."

I pray that we'll prosper.

Anyway, online interaction with other buyers and sellers is a treat! Well, for me, that is. It's nice to know that you are not alone suffering this addiction of online transactions.

what I hate don't like:

Of course, life can't be perfect. Despite the perks of online shopping, it has.. you know.. downsides. :(

1. Shipping Fee

- A necessary evil if you want your item to be delivered. There are numerous couriers offering sercives: from 2go, JRS, Xend to Philpost etc... you just have to make your pick. And, no wonder there are so many: once they gain support of sellers, they'd profit big time. But it adds cost to the amount you need to pay. Instead of just paying, say, 50... you'd need to pay 100 (if the shipping fee's 50). Yeah, a necessary evil.

2. Bogus sellers

- Bogus sellers are sad, sad people - making a living out of the weakness of others and in deceit. They commit crimes and oftentimes, if you are a victim, there's little opportunity to seek justice. (And then, some would place blame to buyers for being deceived. Put it this way, will you blame a man killed just because he passed a street? Okay, that might be a little to harsh as an example.) :So, I think the means of selling (like eBay, Sulit, AyosDito, FB, etc) should have something - I don't know. (Okay, I know I sound like a spoiled child, but what the heck - you get my meaning). Better yet, the government should take measures. Or not. I hope. :(


There's so much more I'd like to say, but I'll end here. I know I'm boring you endless. I suddenly didn't feel like writing (because of the memory of those bogus sellers who deceived me.)

I know life's not fair, but why do you think some people want to make others suffer? 

- Marie.

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