Saturday, January 18, 2014

Marie’s Thoughts on Blogging


Haha. You must forgive me... I can't get over the fact that I'm REALLY doing this. I know, I know - this isn't something big but still, in some ways, it is for me.

I really wanted to start earlier. Truly I did. But with all the demands of school and reality and stuff, I just couldn’t! It feels overwhelming, like a responsibility of sorts. But then, it happened, when everything is just too much and I needed to stop for a while, I decided, “Hell. My life’s already hell and I need an outlet. One problem wouldn’t make much of a difference.” Poof. Blog. Nice. I never thought I’d enjoy it.

But I MUST share what I feel.

Blogging is exciting. Actually, I feel like a baby (making baby steps and all) learning new things and it’s not every day I really like to learn new things.

There’s more to it for me than talking to myself (or to you, if you’re reading this).

It’s kind of nice to know that somewhere out there, in this vast world, there is someone actually reading (or even looking at) my posts! Call it attention seeking but I’ve seen worse cases of attention whores. (Sorry if I sound stereotypical and judgemental but I think at least I’m not posting all the angles of my face. Meh. Yeah, I think I’m mean too. At times.).

Just last January 4, 2014, 3:03 am (yeah, I’m way past bedtime..haha), seeing 40 people already visited this blog made me.. giddy. Weird, I know, right? And I thought I was already weird as I am. And now, I have 600+ page views! That's more that what I hoped for!

But I feel somehow sad since I can't blog as frequently as I've planned. But then again, I must remind myself that though I might consider myself passionate in this endeavor, this is just a hobby and not a priority - and it's a shame it can't be a priority.. :(

Now, I'm receiving feedbacks and it is still gratifying to see that your page is viewed. I love it when there's a reply / comment waiting to be read. This is also true to any kind of work. It’s as if your work is appreciated. Appreciation is a nice feeling :’’>

So, who appreciates you the most? ;)


Friday, January 10, 2014

Marie's Spotlight: UPM Readers' Circle + Giveaway

Have you ever wondered what will/may happen if you have/join a group/organization with people having similar, if not identical, interests? Heck, that's what orgs are for! Am I right, or am I right?

Okay... I may have a little bit of bias here (I'll have you know, I'm the current Secretary General of this Organization...Yep, I'm fishing for compliments. I'm shallow like that). But I'd like to share what it is like to be a part of an organization composed of people that can relate to you. 


Besides my course mates, I didn't really know anyone when the org started. Actually, UPM Reads is still a baby organization - it just started last (last?) year. Anyway, getting along with other members proved no difficulty at all. The population is so diverse (different colleges, different courses, different year levels...) and sometimes, this fact becomes a liability. Scheduling meetings is a chore, getting the cooperation of members is challenging. But still, you'll be having fun.

To all the members of the org reading this, please submit your Form 5 ASAP. And please, don't make the lives of the future Executive Board hard. Seriously, we'll have a lot of fun if we cooperate. I think you're missing a lot if you're not. I'm grateful to all the people who always attend the GAs. 

But enough of my feelings. Hahaha.. I know you're here for the giveaway.

This is my way of thanking all the people who made the UPM Readers' Circle possible. Good luck! :*

If you're from UP Manila or from somewhere in Manila (so that you can claim the prize via meet ups), this one's for you. 

Questions? Comment below.

Love lots,

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Marie's Thesis Feels

THESIS. Big word.

This post is just a collection of images yada yada... about my thesis feels. (I don't own any of them, will never claim I do. They did, however, console me during my misery... and despite all these, I think this endeavor of writing a thesis made me, in so many ways, a better person. XD)

WARNING: You might feel agony. You might relate to my emotions. You are not alone... X))

But the fruit of our labor is always so sweet, especially if we did things right, if we put our heart into it, if we were able to learn lessons from it.



Marie's Thesis Feels.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate research. But I guess it is really not for me. But I do my best when I can. I guess I'm just really not cut out for it. There are people out there who are great and meant for this endeavor (I quite envy them). 


1. When my brain won't function at all:

Why are you doing this? We should be having an understanding, you and I.

2. When there are so many requirements - thesis + other subjects: I just want everything to end.


3. When someone says that I need to do this now because I won't be able to do it later:

You underestimate my powers... But, yeah, you're probably right.

4. When people try to console me:

5. When people try to approach me:

Don't talk to me.

6. When I see my room mates sleeping or waking up: Sleep? What sleep? Sleep is for the weak.

But then again, in the first place,


7. When the requests for interview I've sent were not successful or denied:


I feel they're telling me:




How about you? Are you still alive? XD


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Marie's First Paranormal Anthology

Dead After Dark (Dark-Hunterverse, #14.6; Black Dagger Brotherhood #6.6; Were-Hunter, #4.5; Companion, #6.5)Dead After Dark by Sherrilyn Kenyon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The thing about anthologies is that (positive) it contains different short stories which is a plus if you're not the kind who loves long ones but it also (negative) somehow requires you to have at least a little bit of background IF the story is set up in another world - another world that the author established in an entire series, for example.

Th]is is my first ever paranormal anthology-ish book. Honestly, I only picked it up because of J.R. Ward (Meh. Yes. I have a favorite) I read up anthologies to "discover" "new" authors I would like.


Shadow of the Moon by Sherrilyn Kenyon

2.75 stars

Huhu.. This is is my first Sherrilyn Kenyon story and now, I'm really not sure what I should feel. Should I give her a try? (I'm collecting a series of her, not yet started reading it)

I can really feel that she'd created a wonderful, interesting world in the Dark Hunter series but for us who are not acquainted, it's hard to keep up. Well, I did understand the basics but still. Technically, this can be a "stand alone," as all entries in anthologies are, but maybe it's better if you're aware of the world where the story is from. And I pray I'm making sense.

And I really didn't like the heroine of the story. See? Forgot her name already.


The Story of Son by J.R. Ward

5 stars

Maybe I rated this story high since I'm a fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. And the story is really good. But, as much as I love happy endings, this one was really over the top. Too much of a happy ending. Well, still, it made me happy. XD

Hero. I love him <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">

Beyond the Night by Susan Squires

3.75 stars

Okay. This is my first Susan Squires too. At first I had a hard time deciding whether to continue reading or not because this one said it had a ghost. I really don't like ghosts in my story (well, except the three in A Christmas Carol) and to think I'll be reading a love story between a man and a ghost. I was like, "No way, dude." this is the reason for the lengthy amount of time I'm "reading" the anthology. But then, one day... I just read it. And it wasn't so bad.

I found the "parasite" thing inside the body funny. Until now, I don't know why. But I feel sorry for the hero. Yep, he deserved a happy ending.


Midnight Kiss Goodbye by Dianna Love

2.75 stars

Ehhh.. What can I say? I was a bit confused. And it's a whole new world. (I think I'll lay off anthologies). Celtic and Hindu cultures with enemies living under Mount Meru and Beladors fighting, witches... err, witching.

It was okay, I guess. But plus points for Lucien. Now, there's a story I'd like to read. :D


So, all in all... I did enjoy the book.
But as I've said, I think I'll stay away from anthologies for the meantime.

View all my reviews

What about you? Any paranormal anthologies to share?
I'd love to hear them!


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Marie's First Giveaway. Ever.

God, I'm so excited to do this. Call me crazy or a person with little dreams but seriously, I've wanted to host a giveaway for a long time. There's something about giving. Hmm...

Actually, "giving" is quite selfish. You give maybe because you want a person to feel appreciated. However, think about it - you also give something because there's this feeling of bliss (?), happiness (?) when you're able to see another people's happiness. You feel good when you're giving so, you're giving for the sake of yourself. Mehehehehe... Sometimes, you give because you like to be thanked. Yeah, I like seeing people happy. I hope whoever wins will grant me a smile ;)

This is for my fellow Filipino bookworms out there in the PH.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Any thoughts about the giveaway? :D


Marie’s New Year Resolutions

The thing about New Year is that it marks a new beginning. Well, duh. It’s the start of the year. 

And there is whole year ahead of you. Somehow, I think it is overwhelming – the feeling of I-can’t-believe-this-year’s-already-over. And of course, since this is one hell of a chance to start something new, people make goals, or as it is more popularly put, New Year’s Resolutions.

Ah, New Year’s Resolutions (I’ll be referring to it as NYRs from now on). Now this is something to think about. Of course, I am assuming (and I pray that all people are too) that these NYRs are for the improvement, development of oneself. And sadly (let’s be honest, people), these are seldom, if not, achieved (I hope I’m doing my logic correctly). And this is the reason why I do not do NYRs.

Why, you ask? Well, aside from the reasoning above, well... let’s just say I don’t want to let myself down. I mean, I’m making all these goals and in the end, I keep straying away from them or something. In my life I learned to understand that I am not a patient, nor a determined person (well, this depends on the nature of the activity I’m pertaining to. 

For example, if it is something that I need to do, like academics or work, of course I must do it. But if I must change something I’m used to, like habits, well... that’s where the conflict of patience and determination shows). Habits are hard to break. As a song put it, “...hard habit to break.” But when do you really need to do something about it? When do you need to break “it”?

If it is not good (in any way) for you.
If “it” (I’m referring to this as anything under the sun: person or people, places, activities, etc. I know you’re getting the point)is affecting you negatively, stay away from it. Really. Smoking, definitely a no-no (have you ever thought of lung cancer? If the smoking is worth it, well puff away my friend. Just please, don’t let other people inhale your second hand smoke. Seriously. Some of us want to die peacefully.)

Put whatever is good for you first. Okay, it sounds a bit selfish but truly, you can’t give someone else something without giving yourself first without any regrets or doubts. Focus first on your Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, and then you may focus on other’s Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. However, make it a must not to overstep other’s needs. Respect is a virtue.

If it is not making you grow.
You are a wonderful person with so much potential. I have not met you (and let’s be realistic, I might never will) but I’m sure you’re unique – and that is something to be proud of and to cultivate. Maybe now, you’re dealing with something hard, going through something difficult... and that’s life. I never liked hardships and pain but it reminds me I’m alive, and kicking. But if something is inhibiting all that I (or you) can be, I say adios to it. Surround yourself with fairy god mothers and teachers – for the support and push you need to be what you ought to be.

If it’s not making you happy.
Sometimes, people tend not to let go of things even if holding on to it is not such a great idea (somehow, you can’t help but relate this to love lives, yes?) Nah. No need to explain this. Simple as it should be.


You know, whatever reason there might be, you’re still the one who will make the decision. 

Whatever it is, whether you stop, continue, improve or whatnot, I really hope you’ll choose (or be able to choose) what you really want. Nobody should have room for regrets. ;)


So far, these are my NYRs:

1.    Be nicer. I’m nice, but a little bit of more sugar won’t hurt anybody. And besides, they might get infected with my niceness. Or kill them with niceness. I think it would be less bloody.

2.    Ask questions out loud. I have a thousand questions in my head but I seldom speak them out. Why? Can’t blame me there. People tend to be so judgemental whenever you ask questions.

3.    Control thy temper.

4.    Smile more often.

5.    Compliment people sincerely.

6.    Stop (as much as possible) sarcasm.

7.    Take time to appreciate now.

8.    Get out more... as in physically. Discover more places.

9.    Avoid avoiding the sun (when the sunlight’s still okay).

1.  Start saving and investing as early as today.

1.  Be a bit more giving.


So, what are your NYRs? :)


Friday, January 3, 2014

Marie's Bloglovin' Claim.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Okay, I don't know if I'm doing this right...

Marie’s Asking: Why am I blogging?

I'd like to ask the question "Why?" for any reason at all. To know, discover, expound, annoy...meheheehehe. So, why am I blogging? :P


Lately, I realized I like to think. No, not study. I like studying but I don’t like people telling me what to learn. Study, think, learn – different stuffs, dude. Just, think. Hmm, maybe some will call it “philosophize,” but honestly I don’t know. I just like to think. Freaky, right? 

Well, maybe for you but I know I have brothers and sisters out there (hey, y'all) who does this too. 

I mean, have you ever experienced stopping for a while, doing nothing and then, all of the sudden, a question pops in your head?

And then you explore different angles, maybe research about it. Have you ever had this moment when something poked your curiosity and it made you (let’s take it to an extreme) obsessed with it? 

And then, you’ll apply it to an everyday scenario (for example) and observe. Maybe you’ll try to see it in your life. 

In the end, you understand but another million questions, ideas pops – like it multiplied. And then you’re frustrated. But in the end, sort of content since you were able to express yourself. 

And, I hope that I’m still making sense...

Yes, I like thinking. And it’s sad because our world today doesn't care much for thinking. Oh, I don’t claim that people don’t think (that’s terrible of me). Well, I’d better rephrase it: Our world today doesn't care much for thinking in the way that I've portrayed

Why is it sad? 

I feel that our mind is sort of contained. Restricted.

I mean for example, in school (I am NOT saying school is bad, evil or whatnot) you’re instructed to learn a Mathematical equation. Okay, you've learned it, mastered it. You can answer problems using the equation with your eyes closed. And then, what? Did you stop for a moment to think where it came from? Who invented it? Why it was invented? Why do you think that person invented it? What was the situation back then that made him invent it? – I’m talking about this kind of thinking.

And I’m gonna tell you about something sadder – most people don’t like to appreciate this kind of thinking. From my experience, some people view me as deep, too serious, unapproachable – negative adjectives are associated with this kind of thinking and why? Because I’m “thinking” different. (This is why I’m thankful I have a handful of friends who still listen to my ramblings about life and all the things in it). 

Deviant, outside the box, odd – why are these viewed so negatively? Maybe this is also what some may refer to as madness... but why? Yeah, I’m thinking.

I may not be smart based on the standards of academics. I may not be the top of my class – I’m your average girl. I may not be the star player of some team or the leader of some group but I have a handful of great friends, family. I think. I think that’s important. Yeah, I love it when Decartes said, “I think, therefore, I am.”

Anyway, this blog is an outlet of sort. We need to express ourselves, understand what we are thinking for ourselves, share it to others and maybe find an agreement or disagreement (and this is where a debate is born. Another fine topic.). 

Yeah, and as much as I love my friends for being there to lend an ear at times, I know they have their limit and other things to do as well (hey, I have a life too. Honestly, my mind doesn’t always wander off. It just wanders when it wanders). So, I’m talking to this blog.


It’s a (sort of) poor substitute to actual people and I know that there may be no chance of this being read, ever, but what the hell. It’s the internet, it’s free and it’s my blog. And maybe, you, my dear reader, were able to read it. Tell me your thoughts. I’d love to hear them (or read them, in our case). :)
